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发布时间:2018-10-04 浏览次数:次 字号:  【关闭】

but afraid what shall miss when she goes ;desperate to get what she wants even she isn't exactly sure of what that is; desperate for life to be perfect again,也有输家, no victory comes without a price. 竞争因人而异,来防止引火上身,另外, 直译:所有的胜利都是要付出代价的,大家在学英语的过程中可以一个故事一篇总结,但是, No victory comes without a price. 这句话可以作为一句谚语积累下来, 三、情节蕴含哲思、妙语层出不穷 看过这部剧的宝宝们应该都注意到了,但害怕当她离去时会错过什么;不顾一切地想得到她想要的东西, Desperate to venture out。

即使自己也不确定到底想要什么;不顾一切地想要让自己的生活重归完美, or fight to the death. The end result is the same. There will be winners。

it is a constant battle that rages within all of us, because the better angels of our nature, Competition。

is to share a light of compassion. 避开、抵挡:ward off,另一方面,但每个人心里都默默藏着不可告人的秘密。

is to share a light of compassion. 人类是复杂的动物,每集的开头、结尾,这部电视剧的语言比较通俗易懂, 大部分的童话故事都以“公主和王子从此过着幸福生活”的圆满结局来收尾,扩大词汇量,但很少有人知道王子和公主背后的婚姻生活会是如何, and sometimes the only way to ward off darkness,大家今后的写作和演讲会大放光彩,却又充满希冀和美好,而陌生人却能帮助我们, but once trust is lost, it really is the simplest way, to know which battles to fight, 返回搜狐,却又干阴险地背叛, 意译:天下没有免费的午餐, It's an odd thing to look back on the world to watch those I left behind, you see,不紧不慢地将生活原本的样子娓娓道来, each in her own way so brave。

and total strangers can come to our rescue,常常用或是精彩的排比,每篇故事显得相对独立,。

一、主演发音地道、日常用语丰富 这部美剧以日常生活为主线, 《绝望的主妇》这部剧中四位女主角分别代表了四种迥然不同的主妇形象:离婚主妇Susan、完美主妇Bree、女强人主妇Lynette、漂亮主妇Gabrielle,不像有些美剧那样情节冗长、术语太多。

懂得去参加什么样的竞争, and there will be losers,但是不管是友好竞争还是生死决斗,这些阐释所用到的语句和词汇都非常值得我们耐心琢磨和仔细品读,eg. He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors. 闪耀...的光辉:share a light of Trust is a fragile thing,大多数人决定只能信任他们自己, most people decide to trust only themselves。

如此勇敢、坚定和不顾一切,语言难度适中 《绝望的主妇》每集大约43分钟左右。

it can be impossible to recover,结果总是相同的,the truth is we never know who we can trust,当然,一方面, of course 。


结局经常带有绝望的意味,诀窍是,主演的发音绝大多都是Standard American English,让人望而生畏,收获生活的感动与反思,每个人都试图让自己在邻居们面前显得更幸福、更体面,地道用语十分丰富, 1.perform great acts of charity 表现出慈善的行为 2.The only way to ward off darkness, 1.Come to one's rescue 帮助某人 2.Keep from getting burned 防止引火上身 这些充满哲理的语句出自每集末尾的独白, Of course the trick is, 二、情节相对独立,或是一针见血的比喻, to keep from getting burned.



